Customize your seduction – Have Fashion and Style that tempt Women

Having a sense of style and fashion or being able to pretend is important in seducing women. This does not mean that you have to be metro-sexual in the latest fashion trends from France. It only means that you have a consistent world view that you can express your clothes. Your clothes and “look” are the first things people see and you want to make sure they give the right message about you.
Your Clothes Should Be Your First
If you are a lumberjack, flannelette and jeans might suit you; a surfer in a sweater style, shorts and sneaks; a cowboy can wear a large belt buckle jeans and a fancy shirt. You can get the idea with this extreme. Your clothes must be an extension of who you are. Wearing a thick renaissance shirt and fancy curvy pants may be stylish but only makes you look like a gay … Read More